Thursday, September 8, 2011

On your mark get set .....go!!!!!

Look at us go measure cut glue!!Our kites the TRUTH!
Our quiet artist. She is ammmazing!

Alright now!!! Team Work!!
Future product designers!!!!!!!!!

The Dream contest!!!
Science and art soooo much fun!!!!!!!
Cross Curriculum Art
The Dream Contest Hall advertisement.
Our Spanish American portraits!!!
Our Kites before we attempt to fly them!!!:)
Still Life by Ryan and Nhilynn
Who said we have to be artists?!
Studio Rules and Vocabulary

Ms. Dopson showing us how to think out the box!

Jordan working hard today!!!
Freedom of Speech
So far this year we have had a fantastic time getting aquainted with our studio and this school year.  When you walk through the doors of 425 at Lindley Middle School be ready to be ENGULFED by spontaneous creativity, crosscurriculum achievement, independent and group projects, and future artists, engineers, architects, surgeons, and much much more.  In Ms. Dopson's art room we learn to incorporate design and creativity into everything we do rather its academic or extracurriculur.  We are on a path to leave a trail that for those that come after us and set the standard of excellence in each product we create.  Ms. Dopson encourages us to use the internet and current events for inspiration.  We believe that art is not born but achieved and therefore we must work hard to improve our skills.  We are currently in the process of conncecting the Civil Rights Movement to the current life of a Lindley Middle School Student.  This project will prepare us to compete in The Dream Art Contest!  ..............We have access to see theDream Contest rules and prizes at  This Year we have successfully completed several projects:

The Animal and Plant Cell ..........(Texture Exploration)
Still Life ..................................(VALUE AND FORM STUDY)
Self Portrait.............................(Proportion and facial features)
Historic Spanish Americans Portraits......................(Porportion and skin tone mixing)
Kite Building and Race.........................................(Engineering, Physical Science, pyramid study)